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Glam It Yourself

Glam It Yourself Phone Case

In a world filled with fun and unique phone cases, standing out from the crowd can be a challenge. But fear not! With a bit of creativity and a touch of sparkle, you can transform your ordinary phone case into a dazzling accessory that reflects your unique style. In this DIY tutorial, we'll show you how to create your own rhinestone phone case—a fun and easy project that will add a touch of glamor to your everyday life. So grab your supplies and let's get crafting!

Materials Needed:

Plain phone case (compatible with your phone model)

Flatback rhinestones in assorted colors and sizes

Crafting gem glue or adhesive

Tweezers or a rhinestone applicator tool

Small paintbrush (optional)

Clear sealant spray (optional)


Step 1:

Plan Your Design Before you start gluing rhinestones onto your phone case, take some time to plan out your design. You can create a simple pattern, spell out words or initials, or go for a more intricate design—it's completely up to you! Sketch out your design on paper or use a photo editing app to visualize your idea before you begin.

Step 2:

Apply Adhesive Once you've decided on your design, it's time to start gluing rhinestones onto your phone case. Using a small paintbrush or the applicator tip of your adhesive, apply a small amount of adhesive to the back of each rhinestone. Be careful not to use too much adhesive, as it can seep out from under the rhinestones and create a messy finish.

Step 3:

Place Rhinestones Using tweezers or a rhinestone applicator tool, carefully place each rhinestone onto your phone case according to your design. Take your time and work slowly to ensure that each rhinestone is positioned correctly. Press down gently on each rhinestone to secure it in place.

Step 4:

Let It Dry Allow the adhesive to dry completely before handling your phone case. This usually takes around 24 hours, but be sure to check the instructions on your adhesive for specific drying times. Avoid touching or moving the rhinestones while the adhesive is drying to prevent them from shifting out of place.

Step 5:

Seal the Design (Optional) To protect your rhinestone phone case from wear and tear, you can choose to seal the design with a clear sealant spray. Hold the spray can about 6-8 inches away from your phone case and apply a light, even coat of sealant over the entire surface. Let the sealant dry completely before using your phone case.

Step 6:

Enjoy Your Sparkling Creation! Once the adhesive and sealant are fully dry, your DIY rhinestone phone case is ready to use!


Pop it onto your phone and watch as it instantly transforms into a dazzling accessory that's sure to turn heads wherever you go. Snap selfies, text friends, and scroll in style, your sparkling phone case is sure to make a statement. With just a few simple supplies and a little bit of creativity, you can create your own stunning rhinestone phone case that's as unique as you are. So grab your rhinestones and get crafting—your dazzling creation awaits!

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